Thursday, February 2, 2012

How To Write Poetry

Poetry is a way to express yourself through words. The key to good poetry is to invoke emotion in the reader. This can be done in many ways from the word choice, tone, and imagery. You want to paint a picture as clearly as possible. The reader should understand immediately what you are trying to convey. Start off with smaller poems and work your way up to longer ones.

Vocabulary is everything when writing poetry, so use descriptive words when you write your poem. Some things you want to avoid when writing poems is basic nursery rhymes. Try to think outside the box and use words that the reader will not expect to rhyme.

Also, if you are writing poems online try not to make it too personal. You want to be able to connect with a wider audience. Finally, read other poets and find a style you like, but put your own unique spin on the writing.

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