Thursday, February 14, 2013

Short Story: Forced Entry

In a quiet town far, far away, lived a young lady named Emily. She was a hard worker and she had everything that she wanted as a kid. Recently, Emily moved into her very first home. Emily was the talk of the town, and the neighbors couldn't stop praising her recent purchase.

The house needed a little work done to it, but over it was immaculate. Emily painted the walls while she listened to loud rock music. At 23 years old buying a house was a huge accomplishment. Some of Emily's neighbors invited her to a block warming party. She quickly obliged, and she was so excited to meet her new neighbors.

The party was a small gathering of people it was about 15-20 people max. Emily asked the host Amanda about the house next door to hers. "What's up with the house next door why is it always so dark?" Amanda hesitated to answer,'s nothing you probably shouldn't worry about it." " If it don't bother you it won't bother me" Emily said.

The two danced the night away and they drank like fishes. The next morning Emily had a splitting headache. She walked to the medicine cabinet to look for some Aspirin. Out the corner of her eye she saw something move, but when she looked in that direction it vanished. Um that's weird she thought to herself, and she walked into the living room.

While she was sitting on the couch there was a knock at the door. Emily was a little afraid to open it, so she looked out the peep hole. When she opened the door no one was there. She closed the door and when she turned around there he was. Emily let out a blood curdling scream.

Aaaahhhhhh! The attacker quickly covered her mouth with an old glove he had on. He forced her into the bedroom. Emily was kicking and screaming on the bed. The attacker was about 6' 5, and he was overpowering Emily. He removed Emily's blouse keeping his hand over her mouth. Emily couldn't break free, but she tried to remain calm.. Just as the attacker unzips his pants, Emily kicks him in the groin with her high heels. He quickly held his family jewels, and moaned in agony.

Emily had her purse on the bed she frantically grabbed a small can of mace, and sprayed the strange man. She managed to get him right in the eyes, and she also caught some of the mace causing her to cough. Emily ran next door to Amanda's house banging and kicking on her door. " Open the door I need help!" Amanda let Emily in and she called the police. Amanda begin to explain why she didn't tell her about the dark house next door to her. "

The truth is Emily I didn't tell you because I thought you would move somewhere else." Emily was stunned at what she was hearing, but she completely understood Amanda's logic. That day changed Emily for the better, she became an advocate for rape victims at her local college.

Hello class my name is Emily Wattson, but you can call me Ms.Wattson. " I'm a surviving rape victim, and a few months ago I fought for my life." " Had I gave in to the attacker, I wouldn't be her talking today."

Does anyone remember the acronym for rape? Yes, Tina (R)esist (A)ll (P)ersonal (E)ntries. ""That's correct." Do you know how I avoided my attacker? The entire class responded NO. " I waited for my moment to strike, and I kicked him in the groin with my high heel shoes." Remember ladies, don't let anyone tell you that shoes aren't important with your outfit." They're a life saver!

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