Friday, June 20, 2014

Did Money Destroy Music?

I noticed a trend in music that artists will do almost anything for money. This defeats the purpose of doing music in the first place. I understand that your time is valuable, but don't make it your primary focus. Once music starts to feel like a "job," then you need to switch professions.

I appreciate artists that put their hearts and soul into their music. When it sounds like you're bored on the mic, I think you should hang it up. Many artists make it to the top only to fall quickly back to earth. They find out that all the money and women can't fill that void like God can.

The music industry is a scam, and they prey on weak musicians. Follow your dreams is what they say, but at what cost? If selling your soul to be a famous rap star is cool, then count me out. I refuse to shake hands with the devil for 15 minutes of fame.

Artists should set boundaries in the music business. No matter how much money they offer you, don't budge. It shows a lot of courage to stand up for what you believe in. Some people will respect you more when you tell them "no," instead of being a "yes" man.

Some people say I'm complaining, but I actually care about the state of music today. I remember when rappers were on the corner rapping for free. Now everyone is about popping bottles, and they forgot where they came from. If you don't take anything from this blog, just know that every choice you make comes with a price. Is it really worth it?

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