Thursday, February 13, 2014

If You Were Rich What Would You Buy?

Hello, everybody I'm back again with a burning question. If you were rich what would you buy? I thought really hard about this question, and I don't want to say a cheesy answer. I guess the first thing I would buy is a house. 

A place to live is the first thing on my list, and a new car. I guess once I had those things, then I would take care of my family. Everyone that has money always says, it's not as good as it seems, and I believe them. 

I'm sure getting everything you want would get kind of boring. Just think you never have to work for your money. You can travel the world with all that cash, but eventually everything will start to look the same. How many high definition TV's do you need at home? 

You can only drive one car at a time, is it really necessary to own more than one? I've had a chance to think about this question, and I'm not sure that I would think it's fun. At first buying everything your heart desires will be cool, but eventually I will still feel empty inside. 

I think good health is much better than being rich. Money can't buy you good health, but if you have good health, you can always get money. Retiring at an early age could be great for my health, but I'm not sure I'm ready to be rich just yet. 

I need enough money to function in the world, but excess isn't really necessary. What would you buy if you were rich? Does having a lot of money interest you? I want to hear from you on this topic. Type it in the comments below.

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At February 23, 2014 at 2:09 PM , Blogger RH said...

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At February 23, 2014 at 3:45 PM , Blogger Willis Rogers III said...

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