Saturday, February 8, 2014

Tips for New Bloggers

Blogging is the new way to get paid on the Internet. It's not all glitz and glamour like some of you think. It was a little over two years ago, that I decided to become a blogger. I made countless mistakes, and I wrote this article to help new bloggers. The most common question is how much money can I make blogging? 

The answer is not very much, if you aren't consistent. I've done many tests with blogging, and it seems frequent posting, equal more views. Blogging once a week is too little in my opinion. 

In this Internet age people forget about you fast, so you have to stay on top of your game. I'm trying to get into the habit of blogging at least once a day. I take the entire day to think of a great topic, and then I make a quick outline of the points I want to hit. Also as a new blogger, you want to write original content. 

I see a lot of newbies copying and pasting articles that other people wrote. This is a huge no-no, and your site will be penalized from Google. The best blog topics are ones that are unique to yourself. If you're an expert in a specific area, then blog about that topic. 

People want to know insider information from people who are in that field of work. Reviews can also bring in a lot of views. Find items around your house, and take a picture of them. Tell the people what you liked and disliked about the product. 

You can also give suggestions the company can improve the product. If you can't think of any interesting topics, then tell people what you did that day. Maybe you saw a car accident on your way to work. Blog about anything that will please your readers.

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