Atheists Here's Your Proof God Exists
Many atheists believe they need proof there is a God or spiritual being. Must you need to see everything to believe that it exists? I find it ironic that air is something every human needs to survive we can’t see it, but we believe it’s there. God we can’t see him, but we should believe he’s here.
For example, if there wasn’t a God why would we need a bible? The bible serves as life’s “rulebook” so to speak .Almost everything in life has rules like your job, sports, and even websites have guidelines of what you can and can’t do. We model our whole society based on the bible.
Have you noticed the saying that a dog is man’s best friend? If you reverse the letters it spells God. This can be seen as a subliminal message, saying God is man’s best friend.
When you go to the doctor you don’t ask to see the virus that’s making you sick. There’s other ways to tell something is true, in this case it’s by the symptoms you’re having. There’s no need for physical proof.
If there isn’t a God why does society model its beliefs after the bible? When you ask an atheist this question he or she can’t answer they resort to dismissing you, or making sarcastic remarks, but they never answer the question with a logical explanation. I think in the back of their mind they know there is a God, and they just don’t want to admit it.
I would have more respect for them if they said I recognize there is a higher power, I just choose not to follow it. They try so hard to be different, but they end up being like everyone else. Do you believe in God? Post your opinion in the comments box.