Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Site Was Hit With Negative SEO

Negative SEO is a fairly common thing among popular websites. If you're not familiar with negative SEO, it's when you purposely link a competitors site to low quality websites. I thought that my site was in the clear, but I guess I was wrong. 

Recently, I've noticed in my Blogger account that there are links from porn sites. The spammers are just going crazy with these tactics to pull other bloggers down with them. My competitors are trying to destroy my rankings in Google by doing this, but I will just use the disavow links tool.

I've never used this tool before, but from what I hear it will waive any bad links. I can give Google a list of sites that I don't want counted against me. I think that's pretty clever, if I say so myself. The only thing that I'm worried about is if these attacks keep going what can I do? What if this never stops, and they just keep doing it over and over?

I really hope this doesn't keep going. I don't have time to keep going back and forth with my competition. I think that people are using desperate measures to get their sites ranked in the search engine. The only way I got on the first page of Google is by writing useful content. 

Many times the people that are attacking my site they don't know how to write. Writing is the foundation of most of the content on the Web. YouTube videos are great, but sometimes they don't bring in enough views. The only way to get an in-depth look at a product or service is to write an article.

I hope this whole thing gets sorted out because it distracts me from my work. The people that are using black hat SEO techniques are the ones who will never get ahead. They should spend that time working on their own website, instead of targeting mine. I've heard of the term of negative SEO being thrown around by Matt Cutts, but I didn't think I would be a target. 

If anyone else is having this problem, then go directly to Google, and report the bad links with the disavow tool. I will keep everyone posted on this matter, and I will update my blog when I get a reply.

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