Saturday, February 1, 2014

No Internet Holiday

I've been thinking about the Internet, and how it effects everyone's lives. I work online most of the time, and I wanted to know, what if we shut down the Internet for one day. All the Facebook posts and tweets would we really miss them? 

I propose one day out of the year we shut down the Internet. Yes, you read that correctly. We can put an end to the virus we call the "Internet." Shut it down for one stinkin' day to go outside and live damn it. I want to get this blog post into the hands of Obama, and maybe, just maybe, he'll agree with me. 

I can see it now, the people will flood the parks, restaurants, and stores. This holiday would boost the economy, sort of like Black Friday. Everyone will be happier with one day to take a break from the Internet. I'm sure you will talk to a lot of relatives, you haven't talked to in a while. 

The loss of Internet would promote conversation, unity, and just plain ol' bonding. Camping and hiking supplies would be through the roof. If there was no Internet for a day, people would actually mow their lawns, go figure. 

Society as a whole would be released from this nasty spell called "social media." I need all my readers to get the word out to every social media site. Wait, I'm using social media to end social media, how ironic. Seriously, we need a holiday of rest and reflection. If we don't do something soon, we could all turn into mindless robots.

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